Granny Smith


A product of Australia, the Granny Smith is believed to be a relative of a French Crab Apple. In Australia, it was popularized as a cooking apple before it was exported as an eating apple, and is now recognized as one of the world top choices for pies.


Granny Smith apples are large, glossy, and a uniform green with soft, off white speckles and a peened surface. They are firm with a thick skin and full of juice with every bite. Their flesh is bright white and crisp with a tart, acidic, and subtly sweet flavour.

Harvest Availability

Granny Smith are a late fall apple for us in the North Okanagan, and are picked in mid October.

Best uses

Add the flavour to cinnamon and nutmeg, and the Granny Smith will give you a base of firm tartness and a legendary pie! Because of their high acidity and ability to hold their shape, they are best used for making pies.

The tart flavour can even make a great addition to soups, smoothies, and applesauce.




Davison Gala